Sunday, December 9, 2012

অর্থহীন আর অসংলগ্ন

আজকাল প্রায়ই এই পৃথিবীটাকে বড় অসহ্য লাগে
ইছহে করে আছড়ে ফেলে পা দিয়ে পিষে ফেলি,
বিরক্ত,ক্লান্ত আর সবকিছু অসহ্য লাগে।
মানে খুজে পাই না কিছুর,
সব যেন এক কাল সপ্নের মত;
যে সপ্নের কোন শেষ নেই।
ইছহে করে শেষ করে দেই সব। কেছহা খালাস।
অসম্ভব কষ্টের এই পৃথিবীতে মানুষ হয়ে বেচে থাকা আসলেই বড় কষ্টের।
রাস্তার পাশের ময়লা কাপড়ের অভুক্ত মানুষ আর
তারই পাশে আকাশচুম্বী দালানের ভেতর
সুখের সব উপকরনের ভেতরে বসবাস করা মানুষের
মধ্যে কোন পার্থক্য নেই আজ।
চাওয়ার শেষ নেই মানুষ নামের জড় বস্তু গুলোর আজ।
ধনী আর গরীব শব্দগুলো বড় অশ্লীল শোণায়
অশ্লীল কোন ক্যাবের সস্তা শিরোনামের মতো।
সৃষ্টির কাছে তার স্রষ্টা পরাজিত
কাগজের নোটের কাছে মানুষ নামের প্রানের কোন দাম নেই
অভাগার দল এতো বোকা?
তারই সৃষ্টি আজ তার প্রভু?
যার চাওয়ার শেষ নাই সেতো সবসমই গরীব;
তাহলে কেন মিছে এই শব্দ দুটোর অশ্লীল প্রয়োগ?
আকাশ ভরা তারাদের দিকে তাকালে হাসি আসে
যে আকাশের কোন শেষ নেই
সেই অসীম আকাশের দিকে তাকিয়ে কাব্য লিখে কি লাভ তাহলে?
যার শেষ নাই তারতো শুরুই হতে পারে না,পারে কি?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Mistakes

Everyone pays for his mistakes. And I have made such mistakes which costing me Four long years. I respected the law and been fair,that was my mistake.I truly been fair and respected the law,God is my witness. Never knew that being fair would cost me that long years,deprive me from my wife and my family life. No,it is indeed not fair at all. But who will do the justice ? Everybody pays back by his coin,that term uses if you do something bad then something bad will also happen with you,but If you don't do something and if you suffer then what term should be used?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

17 years now

My Father, Eventually,I am turning like him.

"If tears could build a stairway
And thoughts a memory lane
I would walk up to the heaven
And bring you back home."

R.I.P : Abba 04.12.1995

Never enough no matter how much I thank God for gifting me such amazing parents. I miss you Abba. I wish you were here now. I really needed you now.

Spastic Poetry

I talk to my self
I talk with my misery
I seek freedom
I don’t find a way.
I see things around
I see the sadness
I see colors turning into fade
I see tears
I see wars
I see poor with their shaken hands
I see blinds
I see deaf
I wonder why ?
Why God has chosen to made them like that?

My eyes search for something
And I wish I knew what that was
I put words
Try to make a rhyme
sadly they dont sound like a rhyme
I am not caring about grammar
To put my words together
I feel careless
as i am ruthless now
Do as I want to do,
I feel anger
I wish I could breach what ever I want to breach,
What is the point of all these laws?
If that cant keep you safe and happy?

My life is now like my old faded carpet
No shine and filled with dusts
I wish I knew the meaning of my empty thoughts.

No answers for simple easy questions

Asking to live a normal natural life is not enough,then why I am deprived from that simple thing?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am now

The only son who can't look after his Mother. Can't look after her because he ain't have enough money to take her to a good doctor.

The only brother who couldn't look after his only Sister when she gone through her pregnancy,couldn't feed her good food when she needed the most.

A husband who often fails to show his love to his Wife. Portrayed himself only with his bad temper. Couldn't take her many places,couldn't bought her many things,couldn't keep her happy all the time.She works hard and help me to survive as she is the men of the house and i am the women who does nothing but eat,sleeps and hang around with friends. She owes me a lot and i don't know how to repay her kind help.

The only uncle who can't afford to buy cookies and chocolates for his Nephew and Nieces.

This is me now,all i have for them is my endless love and nothing else.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a Quote

If a Muslim does anything unfair with a non muslim then I will be the witness of the non Muslim and witness against the Muslim on the day of judgement.

-Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


My Lord,why always the poor?

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Guitar. May be that's the only place where my world is too small. My peace and my happiness,my sadness and my soul,my everything comes in one plays in those six strings of Guitar. Thanks to almighty for giving me a little of that spirit in my heart. I may not be a good musician but I'm very much happy with it.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

You better don't read it

What is wrong with you all? People are dying all over the world for no reason but for some devil people's greed and grits. Palestine Is the recent of their cruelest victim they were ever,it's not about Muslims,Christians,Jews,Buddhists or Hindus. It's about humans and what is the point of your living if you don't protest and raise your voice against that? You still stay quiet and do nothing because you are just a human and you just have the skulls of the humans not the heart of a Human.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Question to God

Dear God

If you have sent me here from heaven then why did you put love inside my Heart?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

বেনামে লেখি নিজের নাম ।

একেক মানুষের একেক রকম কস্ট ।
একেক কস্টের একেক রকম রঙ্গ ।
কারো কস্টের রং কালো, কারো নীল, কারো অথবা কালো।
তোমরা কেউ কি জাণো আমার কস্টের রং তাহলে কোন রঙ্গের?
নাকি আমার কস্টের কোন রং নেই?
কোন রং কি সেই কস্টের রং বোযতে পারে না?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I believe in Miracles. God shows his presences in Miracles. I dream about many things and i wish God turns them into reality.I dream of my wife  'Fathha' before i go sleep and i wish when i wake up in the morning i will see her next to me,sleeping,peacefully in my arms. God,dear God please be kind to me,this waiting hurts a lot,Please do something miracle,please.

Every one is a philosopher

Every night this time I became so depressed thinking of what has happened and what is going to happen,I try not to think but I can't help,I feel so useless and broken,yet I know I gotta carry on. I'm not a philosopher,but this terrible moments eventually dragging out the philosophic attitude lives in me.Life always teaches you something and that's the thought and that thought is call philosophy,And,eventually you become a philosopher.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


মানুষের সরলতা আমাকে মুগ্ধ করে। আর,আশ্চর্য ভয়ানক এই পৃথিবীতে সরল মানুষের সংখ্যা অনেক বেশী কম।

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lost for ever

Every child is precious to their parents and its the same the other way round. A friend of mine lost his one year old son today. It is life isn't it? And it is a part of our small life to see so many things like that to make our heart a stone. Tears are frozen,thoughts are empty,soul is shattered. Alas! This is life.

Answers in your Questions

Why do you think we have the Sun and the Moon? what if we don't have the Sun and the Moon? why do you think they exists for? And what will happen if they disappear? why they are placed in such position from The Earth that helping us to survive? who put them in there? WHO? for what? Have you ever imagined why?  this post is for those who consider themselves as an atheist, not for the believers,no matter which religion he is from.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Me,you and all

If you can't help some one with money then at least help with your words and your prayers. If you can't help a human as a human then what is the point of your existence?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not even the team wins now! Sad!!!

I don't understand why everything is going against me now. Financially,mentally,physically you name it everything going dramatically worse. Funny thing is now a days the team I support never wins. Well,well,well... I don't believe in palmistry or whatsoever my only belief is upon ONE almighty God. Let's wait and see when this actually overs. Lots of things left to do for me and I need just one click and bingooo..bad times over good times all the way ever!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Borrowed Thought

Today I want to share a quote by Lou Holtz, Remember this always.

“Never tell your problems to anyone,Twenty Percent don't care and the other Eighty Percent are glad you have them.”

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Nonsense rhymes

I want to cry
I need someone's shoulder to weep on
I need a hand to hold me
Just before I fall.

I want to smile
Like you and all
I want to live
As you are living
I want to breathe
Like you always do

I want to love
Like all you love
I want to cherish
Like you do

I want to sleep
Like you sleep
I want to dream
Like you dream

I want to walk
Like you walk
I want to talk
As you talk

I'm like you
But I'm not as you
my soul is sealed
And I'm just a name now
Without a soul.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Sometime I feel that we do not need a Hell after life expires. This world is already a place which could be define as Hell. I wish there is only heaven after life.

My wish

One day I will make both Bangladesh and England proud. How? I don't know that. And if I can't make my two countries proud then I will leave the world with empty handed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In quest of the depth

There is so many things my minds seeks to know. There is so many mysteries my heart seeks to reveal.

Why I am here?For what?What is the purpose? There Should be a reason,A reason for everything.An answer for every question,And,One life ain't enough to find all this answers.


Do we have any immortals? No, we dont have. You don't own your body or your soul . You simply can not decide when you want to die. You can say someone can do a suicide,Well..he can die before he prepare himself to die. We do not have anything immortal and we don't even have any control over ourself, Who Controls Us And Everything Then?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Free will

A Robot is a programmed thing that can not do anything beyond it's programmed instruction. God has given Humans the " Free Will" to change themselves as they want . Use the gifted " Free Will" by God and change your everything Bad into Good.

Tree and humans

More you grow you will get bored of Humans. You won't find anything different. You will find they are all the same, boring.

My poor thought on Economy

Money always moves. It never stays at the same place forever. It always moves hands to another. Mr.X is rich today and Mr.Y is fighting heart and soul against poverty. But after a decade or more Mr.X's generation will become poor and after having a long time of poverty Mr.Y's generation will be rich . History has shown that how Asia or Africa was before and how they are now,and,how Europe or the Americans are now. This is the balance of Economy. Money never stays at some place forever .It moves for the balance of it's own demand. Now guess who control all these balances? Us? Mother nature? Who then?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nonsense rhymes

It is a must for every one to go through a down, real down time. It is essential, from my experience I know it is really important. The face people has in real will come into real when you are in trouble and see their activities. No problem last for ever, there is time for everything, and with the time pass by your problems will go away and you will over come it. Now the question is,should you forgive and help those who were once quiet and did nothing when you were in trouble? Is revenge is the first thing coming to your mind? No! Don't do it. It is also a part of Gods game.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


All praises to Allah almighty. My wife has decided to keep our future baby girls name ''Inaya''. Inaya means ''Full of love''. In sha Allah ( If God Wills) we will have a baby girl just like her mum and call our full of love girl 'Inaya' .

Thursday, July 26, 2012

'Money' you are a strange creation by the humans

It is a controversial issue '' Is money everything? And,can it buy you happiness? '' Well, perhaps it may not buy you happiness but it could buy happiness to some one else. Yes, it is important.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bloddy TIME,you are against me now.

The most beautiful thing on earth is when you see some one smiling,and it is even better if you know you made that person smiling. I just want to make my Mum smiling,always. I just cant stand on her sad face. I dont know how,but i will have to make it happen. Soon,real SOON. Time,you are a pacer and im going to hit you soon. Patience is my Only choice now. And this ain't gonna stick in to your favour forever. I am gonna hit you back badly,so badly so that you wont dare to come to me with your dark shadow again.

True though

This dramatic hitch is eventually becoming a bless. Having 4 long troublesome years with only bad news taking the guy more closer to his creator.

I just hope it ends soon,though, he doesn't mind to go through this depriving moments if our creator wants him to go through it but what makes Me feel really sad is those pitiful eyes towards the hitch full guy. Taking pity from others and depend on others for living is something this guy never admired even in his dream. A hero or a loser,every one does something to become that. And our guy try to stick in the middle. Just a simple family man. You might find this writing strange because you may have already realised whom is this guy talking about? I don't know or I know,could be me could be him or her. Who really cares. What you should care is this is happening and today you are not feeling our guy because you are not in this hitch full moments but trust me if you haven't had it already then prepare for it. Save as much you can for your self . Every one has to feel it. This is the common thing happens with every passionate ones. Sorry, this is a terrible writing you just read. Follow the headline though!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

You don't know what you have; you only know what you don't have

I think of what I have and what I don't have and when I think of that deeply and when i find my answer that i was seeking for ages it amazes me and I find it out that how much Allah [ GOD ](SWAT) loves me. Endless thank to almighty Allah for gifting me a beautiful family which worth and can be compared only with Heaven. Your family is where your heart rests and if the place is filled with joy and happiness then you are the richest,the happiest.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



অভাগা জাতির পতাকা আজ
খামছে ধরেছে নিজেরই জারজ সন্তানেরা,
পুরনো শকুনের দল আজ খুশীতে আত্মহারা।

দরবেশের মুখোশ পরা শয়তানের উপসাকেরা
গড়েছে তাদের লালসালু বাংলার কানায় কানায়;
মজীদ আজ একা নয়,
আবুল হুসেন,কোকো,সুরঞ্জীত,মামুন,সালমান
কত কি নামে আজ তার সদম্ভ পরিচয়।

রক্তচোষা ভাম্পায়ারের দল
অভাগা জাতির রক্ত নিয়ে মেতেছে রক্তের হোলি খেলায়।
অস্ফুট কান্না আজ তাদের আরো শক্তিশালী করে দেয়।

শেখ মুজিব অথবা জিয়াউর রহমান
তোমরা ব্যার্থ আজ
শেখাতে পারনি এই অভাগা জাতি কে
তারা গরীব কিন্তু বোকা নয়।

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's been a while, a long while I haven't heard a good news. I wonder why all this happening?I don't find any answer and I can't complain. I just can't complain.

I recall my past, I find nothing in my basket.Baskets are empty. I don't know what I've asked and why did I asked. Well, I can't complain, I just complain .

It is a curse on my back and I don't know how long I will have to carry it. And i don't know for what reason i'm carrying. Yet,I can't complain, I just can't complain.

Far,a long way far, i see shadows of happy faces. I wish I could go there but I have to wait here, wait here for a reason. And I don't know what is that. And yet I can't complain, I just can't complain.

I see things I wish I have never seen.
It hurts I Want to shout aloud. Silly me forgets i'm just a piece of small stone, I don't have a voice. I can't complain,I just can't complain.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

True love

When you will love someone like a baby then you should know you love that some one truly from your heart.

P.S: Today I have realized how much I miss my wife and how much I love her.

Monday, May 14, 2012


It's Us, the Humans created the thing called Money,Not the Money has created us,And money can never be greater than the Humans. Certainly,humans are greater than any of his creation.
And it's God who created us,the Humans. God is beyond any comparison.
He who creates,always greater than his creation.

Letter to Fear

Dear Fear,

I am very sorry to tell you that, I do not fear you any more. I know it is a great regret for you that I don't bother you anymore in my life. Sorry, but i had no choice but to beat you. I wish you rest in Hell for ever.

Best regards

A Brave Heart

Friday, May 11, 2012

My peace is located in my heart

Erase all worldly worries from your heart. Make yourself calm. If you are having trouble over someone else, ignore it. Just think that nothing ever happened. Try to be in the state of awareness. Try to expel negative feeling or thought. Lightly close your eyes and bring your attention to the region of your heart, and surrender yourself to almighty Allah. Your ultimate destination is where you came from.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear, God

Now,I'm at such stage when I can't help Anyone. Instead,Now I'm at such Stage when I'm taking help from Everyone,I just have to take it because I don't have any other way Out.I really don't have any way out.And, It hurts me alot,Because,I want to help every one,Each of Every One Out There....,May the Almighty Allah save my Luck for the rest of the days coming on its way,Coming on it's way to Me,Soon,Very Soon.


Nothing comes in comparison with God. God is beyond everything, just everything. God bless us all, all of us, all the religious one .

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some spice would be great

Would you like a film where you only see a happy start and a happy ending,with nothing that can make you sad,vexed,think,worried and feel to pray? What if you see every one around you has no problem,every one is happy happy? Well,that could make you feel better for some time but you will get bored soon. If no sad moment exists in your life then how would you know what is really a happy moment ?
Twist,and sad moments just spice up our life.
Without spice, life is boring. Don't give a damn to your saddy saddy moments when you go through it, when you find it really tough to exist or resist. FACE it and BEAT it and make your life SPICY. God bless you my friend.

Monday, April 30, 2012

My blog

This blog is like a journal or diary to me. I share my experience from my life and i put my thoughts here in words. .I don't expect any one to read or make comments. May be One day my future generation will read this or may be No one will ever read this. My blog is like the time i am going through,not only me but my family and all. I stop time with my words here.

''Person who writes for himself and time he writes for all''
                                                                                      - George Bernard Shaw

God believes in you

The world is not like that as you may think. It is quite strange and cruel. Unfortunately,only the honest and good spirited one suffers this the most. But, eventually IT IS LIKE THAT if you stick to your honesty. Sooner or later the good spirited one will be rewarded. Bad times teaches you alot, learn from your mistakes and do not repeat that. Admit what you have done wrong and regret it from your heart. When you go at your extreme level of bad time and you always believed in God and it is the question then " if I have always done good; then why this is happening with me? " , please trust me, still believe "God exists". God does exists, he just like to put his beloved one in trouble just to hear more from his beloved creation, and he is proud of his creation when he sees his creation is still showing love,care and trust upon him. God will always help you, he is the most generous,most benefecial most kind. Stay honest and pure from your heart,believe in god and you will go over all the traps made by satan.

God really doesn't care whether you believe him or not because it's God who believes in us

Friday, April 27, 2012

2 Option Only

The moment we born,during our life and just before we die we learn only two things, "Love" and "Hate". Chose which one you want to make your sweet memories.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The circle of life

When you were born your entire world evolves around with your parents. They are your world then. After time pass by you make friends, you share your happy and sad moments with them. You make them part of your life. When you grow more you fall in love or got married you share your everything with your partner. Your heart is almost full then. And,when you have babies then your life becomes complete,you cherish your every moment with your kids. Your kids are the most precious thing for you then. You love them more than any one you ever loved since you were born.
They grows and they follows the same thing. That is the circle of our life.
Our parents,friends, life partners and then ends up with babies. Once the parents was your every thing and then when you reach at your parents stage your Kids are your every thing.
Life is beautiful but very strange.

Every one thinks the same

I see people around me,busy,with life
busy with their own time,
No one is here to listen me,
What I want to say,
I keep searching all my day.
I don't find any one
Nor I blame any one
People comes to me
With their sad black eyes
They share their sad moments
And don't really eagers to hear mine
They left with some hope
When I say everything will be allright,
And,they say, thanks my friend.
I keep talking to myself
What has happened to me,
And what is going to happen with me?
Time, u are lazy,
ride my time like a phoenix
And stop my journey in a happy moment ;
And don't start keep moving
Leave me there for ever,
Where I intend to end
Where I find some peace
Rest with peace.
Dear Time,
Listen to me for once please.

Friday, April 20, 2012


"নিজের জলেই টলমল করে আখি,
তোমার চোখের অশ্রু বল কোথায় রাখি"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It's God who puts us in trouble and it's only God who saves us from all the troubles. This is actually a virtual world where every day is full of struggles and Exams.Giving up is easy but fight with your problems is the true kind of human nature. I have lost my Dad when I was only 16, since the day my father passed away I entered into the real world where no fantasy or day dreams exists. I have gone through troubles after troubles and still now I'm going through it. I have no other option but to fight with my troubles. I have been fair and kind as much I could and I know end of the day I will be the winner because no good thoughts surrenders to the odds . Its God that gives us trouble to test us and it's God who gives us the solution to solve that problem.

This topic is created for me and here I'm just talking to my self,giving myself consolation. Consolation for stay alive and consolation for my confidence. Hard time will never separate you from itself, you have to separate and kick it out from your life and for this what You/I need is the strength and confidence and the belief of God .

One day everything will be all right, keep this dream alive and don't give up. This is life my friend where only you fight for your self. Be yourself,believe in yourself. Impossible is Nothing.

Monday, April 16, 2012


It was a terrible day for me, Well, it is usal. Like it's keep happening with me for the past 3 and half years. I thought I would be sad and utterly upset , But, I am not ! I feel more brave ,feel more strength in me,feel more confident, more stronger than I was ever. Every time something bad happens with me it teaches me to rely more on Allah. And i just go over all the troubles, all the odds, I come more closer to Allah. Every body is paid back by his own coin. This is the truth. I haven't done anything wrong or caused trouble to anyone, never wanted to harm any one though im not perfect and I haven't done anything bad since I asked Allah to forgive me for all my sins I made with my immature mind.
Tomorrow is always a better day than today and if you are innocent then eventually things will happen good with you,it has to be good with you because Allah is there, watching us and he never punish anyone for something that he hasn't committed wrong. You can disagree with me but one day you will agree with me. Rely on Allah ( your God ) and leave everything upto him. Allah bless us all.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Everyone is human but not everyone is a proper human

Are we all humans? Because when you call someone a human does he or she has the minimum quality for being a human. Humans should have every good reason to be called a human.

Am I the only one?

What is wrong with everyone? Why have we forgotten that our love should be equal to everyone? We should love every creation of almighty God,because God has created us all for a purpose.


Exams and struggles one after pass on some fail on some and still you got to go for more..More coming ahead until your last breath and who knows what is after your last breath? Certainly, the toughest one ever.
So, finally when can you relax and say, ok I'm in peace now, no more exams to go?

What can you see through your eyes?

A blind can't see and he regrets for not seeing anything, Everything is beautiful only If I was able to see, he thinks. We see things around us and we want to close our eyes,we see the beautiful turning into ugly,and we wish we never see things.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Why is everything like this? Mess and no peace, people fighting with each other? If one is smiling then why the other one is crying? Why this unbalance ? Who will answer all my question? God,dear God help us all,love us all,please.


Nothing but a blessed,spirited karma waiting for a terminator storm wiv weired thunder and unstoppable winds to blow away, all away..

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Some gets it without any luck and some never gets it no matter how much they try their luck.
The balance is not equal,the justice is not equal.
No one to blame,whom can you blame?

Monday, March 26, 2012


Living on hope now. Bad times seems to be end soon. Hope everything will be ok with everyone. Don't give up, since we are born we are in a battle field and that battle continues till out last breath. It really doesn't matter who wins and who loses but it matters who tries. Keep trying till you achieve it. Nothing is impossible if you are honest and fair. I believe in 'one' God almighty and I believe what happens always happens for our good. It is us who don't understand it at the first wheeze. Sooner or later we realize it. Bless .

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hard time for me and my thoughts.

You will realize what is life only when you fall in such circumstances when your mind and brain won't work.
Time is such thing that comes good and bad both ways in ones life.
All you need is the will power to stay alive with your will power and then you can come over it. No happy moments last forever and the same way no bad moment last for ever. Rely on your creator and wait patiently for the good time. Once the bad time is over no one or nothing can stop you.

This is life , accept it the wise way.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Everybody is Individual

You can not truly feel my pain as i can not truly feel your pain. Only He/She knows how it feels like when they go through it.