Thursday, November 18, 2010

What is the most worthy thing in ones life?

Peace, isn't it? Money or whatever u can propose but peace is something u have to ask for it eventually. It is the most precious thing some can ask to god.It is the ultimate thing every one asks for it.

people got money,good car,luxarious houses and so many things but still every one is orphan for peace.

Why it so rare? It's probably a game of god,I suppose! I'm sad vexed and upset to find it,every one is so unhappy,how many of you can say that u are 100% happy and u are happy with the amount of peace that u have in u,may be I'm sounding more unhappy bcoz I don't have the Peace in my heart at the moment.yes Im searching for the peace at the moment,it's the rare thing that I don't have it in me and I don't know when the search will ever end! where are you peace?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It's eid ul adha in of
The day of celebration.every one is busy with guests or preparing to go out.I wonder how many of us who is thinking about those people who are starving for only a plate of rice? We love to see happiness every where and ignore the unhappiness on purposely.we all are pure hipocrates.we spend thousands for our hapiness but we don't really bother to spend our time of thinking of those unhealthy miserable peoples. Who cares ? We are happy and busy with our own life, god has created them and it's gods burden and responsibility to look after them,not ours,isn't it? Wrong so wrong we are! We are just pure selfish!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's a's digraceful that we are ignoring the poverty of our nation,how many of us look deeply to the poors? well..a few...people are sleeping on the road,babies are using as a rent to a begger,sometimes the poors share the food from the dustbin. The winter is on it's way and we will Find news on the paper that many died because of the winter..they are not dying for warm clothes they are dieying jut because they don't have any clothes.for gods sake,where on earth we living?are we all blind ? God has given us eyes just not see good things also to look at the poor and to see the bad can we all overlook the poverty and act nothing,I wonder how can our so called national leaders( doesn't matter which party they support) go sleep with peace! As they call themselves friend of the poors?how they just ignore every thing what they see?we have the symphathy for the poor nation and may be we are doing something with our little effort but our limitiation is limited whereas the leaders can do so many things which we can't effort to!

As with others I love my country as much I love my mother but what kind of child we are? Seeing the poverty of our mother but we are just sitting and thinking of our own benifit and just Ignoring our mother?

1971 or 1990..did things actually change anything? It's all the same and nothing has really changed.. A shame for me that I love my country but my elders are just doing nothing to save our country from poverty...shame to me because I'm a part of them,doing a little and writting this long!